So far, the discussion on distributed systems has been limited to data storage, and to a few data management primitives (e.g., write(), read(), search(), etc.). For real applications, one also needs to develop and execute more complex programs that process the available data sets and effectively exploit the available resources.
The naive approach that consists in getting all the required data at the Client in order to apply locally some processing, often looses in a distributed setting. First some processing may not be available locally. Also centralizing all the information then processing it, would simply miss all the advantages brought by a powerful cluster of hundreds or even thousands machines. We have to use distribution. One can consider two main scenarios for data processing in distributed systems.
This second scenario is illustrated in Figure 16.1. Ideally, each piece of program running as a process on a server n should work only on the data stored locally at n, achieving an optimal reduction of network traffic. More practically, we should try to limit communications by applying local processing as much as possible. We refer to this as the data locality principle, i.e., the distribution strategy must be such that a program component operates, as much as possible, on data stored on the local machine. In such a setting, the Client plays the role of a coordinator sending pieces of code to each server, initiating, and possibly coordinating a fully decentralized computation.
Figure 16.1: | Distributed computing with distributed data storage |
Enabling a sound, efficient and reliable distributed data processing gives rise to the following complex issues:
In the first part of the chapter, we introduce MAPREDUCE, a programming model for large-scale parallel computing that addresses these issues. Even if developing applications with MAPREDUCE greatly reduces the effort of applications programmers, the task remains very challenging. In the second part, we present the PIGLATIN language that, based on a rich model and high-level language primitives, further allows simplifying the design of distributed data processing applications.
At the time of writing, considerable research and development efforts are devoted to the design of high-level languages that express parallel and distributed data processing. MAPREDUCE is often nowadays taken as a kind of de facto standard for the robust execution of large data-oriented tasks on dozens of computer, at least at a low, “physical” level. However, MAPREDUCE is by no means the universal solution to parallel data processing problems. The area is still a moving territory subject to debates and alternative proposals. The last section of the chapter attempts, as usual, to provide useful references and discussions.
Initially designed by the Google labs and used internally by Google, the MAPREDUCE distributed programming model is now promoted by several other major Web companies (e.g., Yahoo! and Amazon) and supported by many Open Source implementations (e.g, HADOOP, COUCHDB, MONGODB, and many others in the “NoSQL” world). It proposes a programming model strongly influenced by functional programming principles, a task being modeled as a sequential evaluation of stateless functions over non-mutable data. A function in a MAPREDUCE process takes as input an argument, outputs a result that only depends on its argument, and is side-effect free. All there properties are necessary to ensure an easy parallelization of the tasks.
Let us start by highlighting important features that help understand the scope of this programming model within the realm of data processing:
So, how come such an approach that does not seem to address important data processing issues such as joins and transactions, could become rapidly very popular? Well, it turns out to be very adapted to a wide range of data processing applications consisting in analyzing large quantities of data, e.g., large collections of Web documents. Also, its attractiveness comes from its ability to natively support the key features of a distributed system, and in particular failure management, scalability, and the transparent management of the infrastructure.
Let us begin with the programming model, ignoring for the moment distribution aspects. As suggested by its name, MAPREDUCE operates in two steps (see Figure 16.2):
Example 16.1.1 As a concrete example, consider a program CountWords() that counts the number of word occurrences in a collection of documents. More precisely, for each word w, we want to count how many times w occurs in the entire collection.
In the MAPREDUCE programming model, we will use a user-defined function mapCW that takes as input a pair (i,doc), where i is a document id, and doc its content. Given such a pair, the function produces a list of intermediate pairs (t,c), where t is a term occurring in the input document and c the number of occurrences of t in the document. The MAP function takes as input a list of (i,doc) pairs and applies mapCW to each pair in the list.
Now as a result of the MAP phase, we have for each word w, a list of all the partial counts produced. Consider now the REDUCE phase. We use a user-defined function reduceCW that takes as input a pair (t,list(c)), t being a term and list(c) a list of all the partial counts produced during the MAP phase. The function simply sums the counts.
The REDUCE function applies reduceCW to the pair (t,list(c)) for each t occurring in any document of the collection. Logically, this is all there is in MAPREDUCE. An essential feature to keep in mind is that each pair in the input of either the MAP or the REDUCE phase is processed independently from the other input pairs. This allows splitting an input in several parts, and assigning each part to a process, without affecting the program semantics. In other words, MAPREDUCE can naturally be split into independent tasks that are executed in parallel.
Now, the crux is the programming environment that is used to actually take advantage of a cluster of machines. This is discussed next.
The MAPREDUCE environment first executes the MAP function and stores the output of the MAP phase in an intermediate file. Let us ignore the distribution of this file first. An important aspect is that intermediate pairs (k′,v′) are clustered (via sorting or hashing) on the key value. This is illustrated in Figure 16.2. One can see that all the values corresponding to a key k are grouped together by the MAPREDUCE environment. No intervention from the programmer (besides optional parameters to tune or monitor the process) is required.
Programming in MAPREDUCE is just a matter of adapting an algorithm to this peculiar two-phase processing model. Note that it not possible to adapt any task to such a model, but that many large data processing tasks naturally fit this pattern (see exercises). The programmer only has to implement the map() and reduce() functions, and then submits them to the MAPREDUCE environment that takes care of the replication and execution of processes in the distributed system. In particular, the programmer does not have to worry about any aspect related to distribution. The following code shows a program that creates a MAPREDUCE job based on the above two functions1.
The execution of a MAPREDUCE job is illustrated in Figure 16.3. The context should be now familiar to the reader. The job is distributed in a cluster of servers, and one of these servers plays the special role of a Master. The system is designed to cope with a failure of any of its components, as explained further.
The Client node is, as usual, a library incorporated in the Client application. When the MapReduce() function is called, it connects to a Master and transmits the map() and reduce() functions. The execution flow of the Client is then frozen. The Master considers then the input data set which is assumed to be partitioned over a set of M nodes in the cluster. The map() function is distributed to these nodes and applies to the local subset of the data set (recall the data locality principle), called “bag” in what follows. These bags constitute the units of the distributed computation of the MAP: each MAP task involved in the distributed computation works on one and only one bag. Note that the input of a MAPREDUCE job can be a variety of data sources, ranging from a relational database to a file system, with all possible semistructured representations in between. In the case of a relational system, each node hosts a DBMS server and a bag consists of one of the blocks in a partition of a relational table. In the case of a file system, a bag is a set of files stored on the node.
Whatever the data source, it must support an iterator-like mechanisms that extracts pieces of data from the local bag. A piece of data may be a row in a relational DB, or a line from a file. More generally it is a self-contained object that we call document in the following of the chapter.
Example 16.1.2 Turning back to the WordCount() example, suppose the input consists of a
collection of, say, one million 100-terms documents of approximately 1 KB each. Suppose
we use as data source a large-scale file system, say GFS, with bags of 64 MBs. So, each
bag consists of 64,000 documents. Therefore the number M of bags is ⌈1,000,000/64,000⌉≈
16,000 bags.
The number of REDUCE tasks, is supplied by the programmer, as a parameter R, along with a hash() partitioning function that can be used to hash the intermediate pairs in R bags for sharding purposes. If, for example, the intermediate keys consist of uniformly distributed positive integer values, the simple modulo(key, R) partitioning function is an acceptable candidate. In general, a more sophisticated hash function, robust to skewed distribution, is necessary.
At runtime, the MAPREDUCE Master assigns to the participating servers, called Mappers, the MAP task for their local chunks. The mapper generates a local list of (k2,v2) intermediate pairs that are placed into one of the R local intermediate bags based on the hash value of k2 for some hash function. The intermediary bags are stored on the local disk, and their location is sent to the Master. At this point, the computation remains purely local, and no data has been exchanged between the nodes.
Example 16.1.3 Consider once more the WordCount() example in a GFS environment.
Each chunk contains 64,000 documents, and 100 distinct terms can be extracted from each
document. The (local) MAP phase over one bag produces 6,400,000 pairs (t,c), t being a
term and c its count. Suppose R = 1,000. Each intermediate bag i,0 ≤ i < 1000, contains
approximately 6,400 pairs, consisting of terms t such that hash(t) = i.
At the end of the MAP phase, anyway, the intermediate result is globally split into R bags. The REDUCE phase then begins. The tasks corresponding to the intermediary bags are distributed between servers called Reducers. A REDUCE task corresponds to one of the R bags, i.e., it is specified by one of the values of the hash function. One such task is initiated by the Master that sends to an individual Reducer the id of the bag (the value of the hash function), the addresses of the different buckets of the bag, and the reduce() function. The Reducer processes its task as follows:
Each Reducer must carry out a sort operation of its input in order to group the intermediate pairs on their key. The sort can be done in main memory or with the external sort/merge algorithm detailed in the chapter devoted to Web Search.
Example 16.1.4 Recall that we assumed R = 1,000. We need 1,000 REDUCE tasks Ri,i ∈ [0,1000[. Each Ri must process a bag containing all the pairs (t,c) such that hash(t) = i.
Let i = 100, and assume that hash(’call’) = hash(’mine’) = hash(’blog’) = 100. We focus on three Mappers Mp, Mq and Mr, each storing a bag Gi for hash key i with several occurrences of ’call’, ’mine’, or ’blog’:
Ri reads Gip, Giq and Gir from the three Mappers, sorts their unioned content, and groups the pairs with a common key:
…, (’blog’, ⟨1, 1, 1, 1⟩), …, (’call’, ⟨1, 1⟩), …, (’mine’, ⟨1, 1, 1⟩)
Our reduceWC() function is then applied by Ri to each element of this list. The output is (’blog’,
4), (’call’, 2) and (’mine’, 3).
When all Reducers have completed their task, the Master collects the location of the R result files, and sends them to the Client node, in a structure that constitutes the result of the local MapReduce() function. In our example, each term appears in exactly one of the R result files, together with the count of its occurrences.
As mentioned before, the ideal situation occurs when R servers are idle and each can process in parallel a REDUCE task. Because of the two-phases process, a server playing the role of a Mapper may become a Reducer, and process (in sequence) several REDUCE tasks. Generally, the model is flexible enough to adapt to the workload of the cluster at any time. The optimal (and usual) case is a fully parallel and distributed processing. At the opposite, a MAPREDUCE job can be limited to a single machine.
A MAPREDUCE job should be resilient to failures. A first concern is that a Mapper or a Reducer may die or become laggard during a task, due to networks or hardware problems. In a centralized context, a batch job interrupted because of hardware problem can simply be reinstantiated. In a distributed setting, the specific job handled by a machine is only a minor part of the overall computing task. Moreover, because the task is distributed on hundreds or thousands of machines, the chances that a problem occurs somewhere are much larger. For these reasons, starting the job from the beginning is not a valid option.
The interrupted task must be reassigned to another machine. The Master periodically checks the availability and reacheability of the “Workers” (Mapper or Reducer) involved in a task. If the Worker does not answer after a certain period, the action depends on its role:
This leads to the second important concern: the central role of the Master. In summary:
The central role of the Master is a potential architectural weakness. If the Master fails, the MAPREDUCE task is jeopardized. However, there is only one Master, and many more workers. The odds for the Master to fail are low. So it may be tolerable for many applications that when a Master fails, its clients resubmit their jobs to a new master, simply ignoring all the processing that has already been achieved for that task. Alternatively, one can realize that the issue is not really the failure of a Master but the loss of all the information that had been gathered about the computation. Using standard techniques based on replication and log files, one can provide recovery from Master failure that will avoid redoing tasks already performed.
It should be clear to the reader how complex data processing tasks can be performed using MAPREDUCE. However, the reader may be somewhat afraid by the complexity of the task facing the application programmer. In a second part of this chapter, we present the PIGLATIN language. The goal is to use a rich model and high-level language primitives, to simplify the design of distributed data processing applications.
The MAPREDUCE processing model is low-level. The computation of complex tasks with MAPREDUCE typically requires combining several jobs. Frequently used operations such as sort or group must be repeatedly introduced in applications as map/reduce functions, and integrated with more application specific operations. To design large-scale data processing applications, it would be definitely useful to dispose of a language that would save the burden of these low-level tasks while preserving the assets of MAPREDUCE. In some sense, this can be compared to introducing declarative languages such as SQL in databases, to facilitate the task of developing applications and thereby improve the productivity of application programmers.
To illustrate the use of high-level language primitives, we present the PIG environment and PIG (or PIGLATIN) language. In spite of sometimes clumsy ad hoc features, the language is in general quite adapted to standard large scale data processing tasks. Another advantage is that it can be tested with minimal installation overhead. PIG brings two important features with respect to the MAPREDUCE approach: (i) a richer data model, with nested data structures, and (ii) expressive data manipulation primitives that can be combined in data flows to obtain complex operations.
In brief, a PIG program takes as input a “bag” represented in a file. We will detail the bag data structure further, but it is a roughly speaking a nested relation, i.e., a relation where the entries may themselves be relations. A PIG program also produces a bag, either stored in a file or displayed on screen.
We begin with a short illustrative session, and then develop the data and processing model of PIG. The Putting into Practice chapter devoted to HADOOP gives practical hints and exercises to experiment with PIG.
Consider the following simple example: given a file with a list of publications in a scientific journal, determine the average number of papers published each year. We use data coming from DBLP, a large collection of information on scientific publications, publicly available2 in XML.
The PIG loader accepts a variety of input formats. We use here the default file format that
it accepts. Each line of the file is interpreted as an entry (here a publication). Within a
line, the attributes are separated by tabs. Suppose the input consists of the following
2005 VLDB J. Model-based approximate querying in sensor networks.
1997 VLDB J. Dictionary-Based Order-Preserving String Compression.
2003 SIGMOD Record Time management for new faculty.
2001 VLDB J. E-Services - Guest editorial.
2003 SIGMOD Record Exposing undergraduate students to system internals.
1998 VLDB J. Integrating Reliable Memory in Databases.
1996 VLDB J. Query Processing and Optimization in Oracle Rdb
1996 VLDB J. A Complete Temporal Relational Algebra.
1994 SIGMOD Record Data Modelling in the Large.
2002 SIGMOD Record Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques - Book Review.
Each line gives the year a publication was published, the journal it was published in (e.g., the VLDB Journal) and its title.
Here is the complete PIG program that computes the average number of publications per year in SIGMOD RECORD.
When run on a sample file, the output may look as follows:
The program is essentially a sequence of operations, each defining a temporary bag that can be used as input of the subsequent operations. It can be viewed as a flow of data transformation, that is linear in its simplest form but can more generally be an acyclic workflow (i.e., a directed acyclic graph).
We can run a step-by-step evaluation of this program with the grunt command interpreter to better figure out what is going on.
Load and filter. The load operator produces as temporary result, a bag named articles. PIG
disposes of a few atomic types (int, chararray, bytearray). To “inspect” a bag, the interpreter
proposes two useful commands: describe outputs its type, and illustrate produces a sample of the
relation’s content.
grunt> DESCRIBE articles;
articles: {year: chararray,journal: chararray,title: chararray}
grunt> ILLUSTRATE articles;
| articles | year: chararray | journal: chararray | title: chararray |
| | 2003 | SIGMOD Record | Call for Book Reviews.|
The file contains a bag of tuples, where the tuple attributes are distinguished by position. After
loading, articles also contains a bag of tuples, but the tuple attributes are now distinguished by
The filter operation simply selects the elements satisfying certain conditions, pretty much like a relational selection.
Group. In the example, the bags resulting from the load or from the filter do not look different than
standard relations. However, a difference is that they may have two identical elements. This would
happen, in the example, if the file contains two identical lines. Note that this cannot happen in a
relation that is a set of tuples. Bags allow the repetition of elements. Furthermore, like nested
relations, PIG bags can be nested. The result of a group for instance is a nested bag. In the
example, the group operation is used to create a bag with one element for each distinct
grunt> year_groups = GROUP sr_articles BY year;
grunt> describe year_groups;
year_groups: {group: chararray,
sr_articles: {year: chararray,journal: chararray,title:chararray}}
grunt> illustrate year_groups;
group: 1990
(1990, SIGMOD Record, An SQL-Based Query Language For Networks of Relations.),
(1990, SIGMOD Record, New Hope on Data Models and Types.)
PIG represents bags, nested or not, with curly braces {}. Observe the year_groups example
provided by the illustrate command. Note that the grouping attribute is by convention named
group. All the elements with the same year compose a nested bag.
Before detailing PIG, we summarize its main features essentially contrasting it with SQL:
Note that these design choices have clear motivations:
The rest of this section delves into a more detailed presentation of PIG’s design and evaluation.
As shown by our simple session, a PIG bag is a bag of PIG tuples, i.e., a collection with possibly repeated elements. A PIG tuple consist of a sequence of values distinguished by their positions or a sequence of (attribute name, attribute value) pairs. Each value is either atomic or itself a bag.
To illustrate subtle aspects of nested representations, we briefly move away from the running
example. Suppose that we obtain a nested bag (as a result of previous computations) of the
a : { b : chararray, c : { c’ : chararray }, d : { d’ : chararray } }
Examples of tuples in this bag may be:
As already mentioned, more flexibility is obtained by allowing heterogeneous tuples to cohabit in a same bag. More precisely, the number of attributes in a bag (and their types) may vary. This gives to the programmer much freedom to organize her dataflow by putting together results coming from different sources if necessary.
Returning to the running example, an intermediate structure created by our program (year_groups) represents tuples with an atomic group value (the year) and a nested article value containing the set of articles published that year.
Also, PIG bags introduce lots of flexibility by not imposing a strong typing. For instance, the
following is a perfectly valid bag in PIG:
(2005, {’SIGMOD Record’, ’VLDB J.’}, {’article1’, article2’} )
(2003, ’SIGMOD Record’, {’article1’, article2’}, {’author1’, ’author2’})
This is essentially semistructured data, and can be related to the specificity of applications targeted by PIG. Input data sets often come from a non-structured source (log files, documents, email repositories) that does not comply to a rigid data model and needs to be organized and processed on the fly. Recall also that the application domain is typically that of data analysis: intermediate results are not meant to be persistent and they are not going to be used in transactions requiring stable and constrained structures.
PIG has a last data type to facilitate look-ups, namely maps. We mention it briefly. A map associates to a key, that is required to be a data atom, an arbitrary data value.
To summarize, every piece of data in PIG is one of the following four types:
It should be clear that the model does not allow the definition of constraints commonly met in relational databases: key (primary key, foreign key), unicity, or any constraint that needs to be validated at the collection level. Thus, a collection can be partitioned at will, and each of its items can be manipulated independently from the others.
Table 16.1 gives the list of the main PIG operators operating on bags. The common characteristic of the unary operations is that they apply on a flow of tuples, that are independently processed one-at-a-time. The semantics of an operation applied to a tuple never depends on the previous or subsequent computations. Similarly, for binary operations: elementary operations are applied to a pair of tuples, one from each bag, independently from the other tuples in the two bags. This guarantees that the input data sets can be distributed and processed in parallel without affecting the result.
Operator | Description |
foreach | Apply one or several expression(s) to each of the input tuples. |
filter | Filter the input tuples with some criteria. |
order | Order an input. |
distinct | Remove duplicates from an input. |
cogroup | Associate two related groups from distinct inputs. |
cross | Cross product of two inputs. |
join | Join of two inputs. |
union | Union of two inputs (possibly heterogeneous, unlike in SQL). |
We illustrate some important features with examples applied to the following tiny data file
webdam-books.txt. Each line contains a publication date, a book title and the name of an
1995 Foundations of Databases Abiteboul
1995 Foundations of Databases Hull
1995 Foundations of Databases Vianu
2010 Web Data Management Abiteboul
2010 Web Data Management Manolescu
2010 Web Data Management Rigaux
2010 Web Data Management Rousset
2010 Web Data Management Senellart
Figure 16.4: | Example of group and foreach |
The first example (Figure 16.4) shows a combination of group and foreach to obtain a bag with one tuple for each book, and a nested list of the authors.
The operator foreach applies some expressions to the attributes of each input tuple. PIG provides
a number a predefined expressions (projection/flattening of nested sets, arithmetic functions,
conditional expressions), and allows User Defined Functions (UDF) as well. In the example, a
projection expressed as books.authors is applied to the nested set result of the group operator.
The final authors nested bag is:
(Foundations of Databases,
(Web Data Management,
The flatten expression serves to unnest a nested attribute.
Applied to the nested bag computed earlier, flatten yields a relation in 1NF:
(Foundations of Databases,Abiteboul)
(Foundations of Databases,Hull)
(Foundations of Databases,Vianu)
(Web Data Management,Abiteboul)
(Web Data Management,Manolescu)
(Web Data Management,Rigaux)
(Web Data Management,Rousset)
(Web Data Management,Senellart)
The cogroup operator collects related information from different sources and gathers
them as separate nested sets. Suppose for instance that we also have the following file
Fundations of Databases Addison-Wesley USA
Fundations of Databases Vuibert France
Web Data Management Cambridge University Press USA
We can run a PIG program that associates the set of authors and the set of publishers for each book (Figure 16.5).
Figure 16.5: | Illustration of the cogroup operator |
The result (limited to Foundations of databases) is the following.
(Foundations of Databases,
{ (Foundations of Databases,Abiteboul),
(Foundations of Databases,Hull),
(Foundations of Databases,Vianu)
{(Foundations of Databases,Addison-Wesley),
(Foundations of Databases,Vuibert)
The result of a cogroup evaluation contains one tuple for each group with three attributes. The first one (named group) is the identifier of the group, the second and third attributes being nested bags with, respectively, tuples associated to the identifier in the first input bag, and tuples associated to the identifier in the second one. Cogrouping is close to joining the two (or more) inputs on their common identifier, that can be expressed as follows:
The structure of the result is however different than the one obtained with cogroup.
(Foundations of Databases,Abiteboul,Fundations of Databases,Addison-Wesley)
(Foundations of Databases,Abiteboul,Fundations of Databases,Vuibert)
(Foundations of Databases,Hull,Fundations of Databases,Addison-Wesley)
(Foundations of Databases,Hull,Fundations of Databases,Vuibert)
(Foundations of Databases,Vianu,Fundations of Databases,Addison-Wesley)
(Foundations of Databases,Vianu,Fundations of Databases,Vuibert)
In this example, it makes sense to apply cogroup because the (nested) set of authors and the (nested) set of publishers are independent, and it may be worth considering them as separate bags. The join applies a cross product of these sets right away which may lead to more complicated data processing later.
The difference between cogroup and join is an illustration of the expressiveness brought by the nested data model. The relational join operator must deliver flat tuples, and intermediate states of the result cannot be kept as first class citizen of the data model, although this could sometimes be useful from a data processing point of view. As another illustration, consider the standard SQL group by operator in relational databases. It operates in two, non-breakable steps that correspond to a PIG group, yielding a nested set, followed by a foreach, applying an aggregation function. The following example is a PIG program that computes a 1NF relation with the number of authors for each book.
The possible downside of this modeling flexibility is that the size of a tuple is unbounded: it can contain arbitrarily large nested bags. This may limit the parallel execution (the extreme situation is a bag with only one tuple and very large nested bags), and force some operators to flush their input or output tuple to the disk if the main memory is exhausted.
The starting point of this optimization is that a combination of group and foreach operators of PIG can be almost directly translated into a program using MAPREDUCE. In that sense, a MAPREDUCE job may be viewed as a group-by operator over large scale data with build-in parallelism, fault tolerance and load balancing features. The MAP phase produces grouping keys for each tuple. The shuffle phase of MAPREDUCE puts these keys together in intermediate pairs (akin to the nested bags, result of the PIG group). Finally, the REDUCE phase provides an aggregation mechanism to cluster intermediate pairs. This observation is at the core of using a MAPREDUCE environment as a support for the execution of PIG programs.
Basically, each (co)group operator in the PIG data flow yields a MAPREDUCE tasks that incorporates the evaluation of PIG operators surrounding the (co)group. As previously explained, a join, can be obtained using a cogroup followed by a flattening of the inner nested bags. So, joins can also benefit from the MAPREDUCE environment.
To conclude, we illustrate such a MAPREDUCE evaluation with two of the examples previously discussed.
Example: group and foreach. In a first example, we use the program given in Figure 16.4, page 767. Following the classical query evaluation mechanism, the compilation transforms this program through several abstraction levels. Three levels are here represented. The “logical” level directly represents the dataflow process. At this point, some limited reorganization may take place. For instance, a filter operator should be “pushed” as near as possible to the load to decrease the amount of data that needs to be processed.
The blocks in the physical plan introduce some new operators, namely REARRANGE (LOCAL and GLOBAL), and PACKAGE. REARRANGE denotes a physical operator that groups tuples with the same key, via either hashing or sorting. The distinction between LOCAL and GLOBAL stems from the parallelization context. The LOCAL operator takes place on a single node, whereas the GLOBAL operator needs to collect and arrange tuples initially affected to many nodes. The algorithms that implement these variants may therefore be quite different.
PACKAGE relates to the PIG data model. Once a set of tuples sharing the same key are put together by a REARRANGE, a nested bag can be created and associated with the key value to form the typical nested structure produced by the (co)group operation. Expressions in the foreach operator can then be applied.
The lower level in Figure 16.4 shows the MAPREDUCE execution of this physical plan. There is only one MAPREDUCE job, and the physical execution proceeds as follows:
Example: join and group. Our second example involves a join followed by a group. It returns the number of publishers of Victor Vianu. Note that one might want to remove duplicates from the answer; this is left as an exercise.
Figure 16.8 shows the execution of this program using two MAPREDUCE jobs. The first one carries out the join. Both inputs (books and publishers) are loaded, filtered, sorted on the title, tagged with their provenance, and stored in intermediate pairs (MAP phase). Specifically, the map() function receives rows:
Each row records its provenance, either books or publishers.
These intermediate pairs are sorted during the shuffle phase, and submitted to the reduce() function. For each key (title), this function must take the set of authors (known by their provenance), the set of publishers (idem), and compute their cross product that constitutes a part of the join result. This output can then be transmitted to the next MAPREDUCE job in charge of executing the group.
Clearly, this complex query would require an important amount of work with MAPREDUCE programming, whereas it is here fulfilled by a few PIG instructions. The advantage is more related to the software engineering process than to the efficiency of the result. the Due to the rather straighforward strategy applied by the PIG evaluator, early performance reports show that PIG execution is, not surprisingly, slightly worse than the equivalent MAPREDUCE direct implementation. This is notably due to the overhead introduced by the translation mechanism. The next section mentions alternative approaches that pursue similar goal that PIG.
Distributed computing now has a long history, with Web services as a recent popular outcome. We refer the reader to the general references [153] for distributed systems and [31] for parallel algorithms. At the center of distributed computing we find the possibility of activating some computation on a distant machine. This leads to remote procedure call, an abstraction that allows interacting with a remote program while ignoring its details. Some data is sent as argument of the call. The remote program is activated with this data as input. Its result is shipped back to the caller. Note that this involves transmission of data in both directions, from the caller to the callee (parameters of the call) and back (results).
To support such communications, one needs to provide end-points for these communications, e.g. sockets. A communication happens between a local socket and a remote one. To understand each other, they need to use some common protocol for the messages, e.g., TCP, UDP, raw IP, or, in the Web Services realm, SOAP.
Based on such communications, middleware systems have been developed since the 1960’s, the so-called message-oriented middleware. They are based on asynchronous calls, i.e., the call is made and the caller is not blocked waiting for an answers. The messages are managed in queues. Examples of such systems are IBM Websphere and Microsoft MQ serie.
The object-oriented paradigm proved to be very successful for distributed computing. Indeed, it is very natural to see an external resource as an object, i.e., a black box with a set of methods as interface. This lead to very popular systems, object brokers.
From a data management perspective, one may want to support transactions between the distributed machines. This leads to transaction processing monitors, , e.g., IBM CICS or BEA Tuxedo. Such systems provide support for persistence, distributed transactions, logging and error recovery.
By merging, object brokers and TP monitors, one obtains the object monitors. These systems became popular in the 1990’s, notably with Corba from the Object Management Group and DCOM by Microsoft
Closer to us and targeting the Web, we find XML-RPC (in the late 1990’s) that, as indicated by its name, is based on remote procedure calls using XML as underlying data format. The calls are performed using HTTP-POST.
Finally, we briefly discuss Corba that had a very important influence in the evolution of distributed computing. Corba stands for Common Object Request Broker Architecture. As previously mentioned, it is based on RPC and the object-oriented paradigm. The development of Corba-based components is somewhat independent of the programming language, e.g., C++ or Java may be used. An implementation of Corba consists of the deployment of a system (called an ORB) that provides the interoperability between applications distributed on different machines. The ORB provides a large set of services, e.g., persistence, transaction, messaging, naming, security, etc. Corba and DCOM were the main supports for distribution before Web services.
There is a long history of research on so-called nested relations, e.g., [4], or complex objects, e.g., [3], that somehow paved the way for semistructured data models. An algebra for bags, vs. sets of tuples, is considered in [79].
Parallel query processing is an old research topic. Issues related to scalable query execution in shared-nothing architecture have been investigated since the emergence of relational systems. See [55, 69] for important milestones, and [56] for a position paper. The proposed techniques are now available in several commercial systems, including Teradata (, a leading datawarehouse software company. The systems based on Google technology, and in particular MAPREDUCE have been criticized for ignoring previous advances in database technology [54]. A detailed discussion of the MAPREDUCE limits and contributions, viewed in a database perspective, is reported in [151]. MAPREDUCE is suitable for text processing, and more generally for data sets where relational schema does not fit. It is also a convenient tool for cost-effective environments (e.g., commodity hardware) that allow an inexpensive horizontal scalability but lead to unreliable infrastructures where the resilience brought by MAPREDUCE is a valuable asset.
In practical terms, a major restriction of MAPREDUCE is the high latency that stems from both the initial dissemination of a program in the cluster prior to any execution, and the need to fully achieve the MAP phase before running the REDUCE one. This is justified for batch analysis of large data sets but make it unsuitable for transactional applications [133]. Its attractiveness on the other hand lies in its scalability and fault-tolerance, two features where parallel databases arguably show their limits, at least for web-scale data sets.
Recently, research attempts to benefit from the best of the two worlds have been undertaken. HADOOPDB [10] is an “hybrid” distributed data management system that uses a standard relational DBMS (e.g., PostgreSQL) at each node, and uses MAPREDUCE as a communication layer between nodes. The relational system instance acts as a source to MAPREDUCE jobs, with the advantage of being able to run complex SQL query plans that exploit database index, saving the otherwise mandatory full scan of the data sets. Other approaches aims at providing high-level data processing languages which can then be executed in a MAPREDUCE-like environment: SCOPE [40], PIG [129, 70], JAQL, and Hive [155] are examples of some recent or ongoing efforts.
Exercise 16.4.1 (Log processing with MAPREDUCE) A big company stores all incoming emails in log files. How can you count the frequency of each email address found in these logs with MAPREDUCE?
Exercise 16.4.2 (Optimizing the MAP and REDUCE phases) The REDUCE phase needs to download intermediate pairs produced by the mappers. How can we reduce the cost of this exchange? The following gives some hints:
Exercise 16.4.3 (SP relational queries) A Selection-Projection-Aggregation relational query corresponds to the simple SQL syntax:
Propose a MAPREDUCE job (using pseudo-code for map() and reduce()) for the following queries:
When is the reduce function really useful? How would you express these queries with PIG.
Exercise 16.4.4 (Sorting with MAPREDUCE) How can you obtain a parallel sort with MAPREDUCE? For instance, what would be the MAPREDUCE parallel execution of the following SQL query:
Hint: partition the input in Rintervals with map(), then sort each local interval with reduce().
Exercise 16.4.5 (Joins with MAPREDUCE) And, finally, how can you express joins? For instance:
Hint: this requires to somewhat distord the MAPREDUCE principles. The reduce() function should receive pairs (id,<p1,⋯,pn >) where id is a journal id and each pi is a row from paper. By unnesting the structure, one gets the expected result. Note that the reduce phase does not reduce at all the output in that case! Such a tweak may not be accepted by all MAPREDUCE environments.
Exercise 16.4.6 (Distributed Monte Carlo) We want to create a distributed program that approximates π. The method is based on the inscription of a circle in a square (Fig. 16.9).
Figure 16.9: | A method to computing π |
Note that the area of the square is As = (2r)2 = 4r2; the area of the circle is Ac = π×r2. Therefore
Exercise 16.4.7 (Distributed inverted file construction) Describe a MAPREDUCE job that constructs an inverted file for a very large data set of Web documents. Give the map() and reduce() functions in pseudo-code, and explain the data flow in a distributed system.
Exercise 16.4.8 (Distributed PageRank) Describe a MAPREDUCE job that computes one iteration of the PageRank algorithm over a collection of documents. Some hints:
Exercise 16.4.9 (PIG) Refer to the Putting into Practice chapter on HADOOP (page 833) for a list of PIG queries.
1This piece of C++ code is a slightly simplified version of the full example given in the original Google paper on MAPREDUCE.
3A relation is in first-normal-form, 1NF for short, if each entry in the relation is atomic. Nested relations are also sometimes called not-first-normal-form relations.