17 Putting into Practice: Full-Text Indexing with LUCENE (by Nicolas Travers)
is an open-source tunable indexing platform often used for full-text indexing of Web sites. It
implements an inverted index, creating posting lists for each term of the vocabulary. This chapter
proposes some exercises to discover the LUCENE platform and test its functionalities through its
Java API.
17.1 Preliminary: a LUCENE sandbox
We provide a simple graphical interface that lets you capture a collection of Web documents (from a
given Website), index it, and search for documents matching a keyword query. The tool is
implemented with LUCENE (surprise!) and helps to assess the impact of the search parameters,
including ranking factors.
You can download the program from our Web site. It consists of a Java archive that can be
executed right (providing a decent Java installation on your computer). Figure 17.1 shows a
screenshot of the main page. It allows you to
- Download a set of documents collected from a given URL (including local addresses).
- Index and query those documents.
- Consult the information used by LUCENE to present ranked results.
Use this tool as a preliminary contact with full text search and information retrieval. The
projects proposed at the end of the chapter give some suggestions to realize a similar
17.2 Indexing plain-text with LUCENE – A full example
We embark now in a practical experimentation with LUCENE. First, download the Java packages
from the Web site http://lucene.apache.org/java/docs/. The examples and exercises that
follow have been tested with version 3.0.2, so check whether something changed if you use another
You will find several packages.
- lucene-core-3.0.2.jar: the main package; put it right away in your CLASSPATH or in your
project environment if you use an IDL;
- lucene-demos-3.0.2.jar: a set of demonstration programs;
- luceneWeb.war: a simple LUCENE Web application installer based on a demonstrator;
- contrib, a set of packages that complement the core functions.
- analyzers: main languages analyzers (lucene-analyzers-3.0.2.jar); mandatory with
most LUCENE indexing and querying applications;
- collation: change LUCENE analyzer to optimize ranking and range queries;
- db: the berkeleyDB database management system
- instantiated: RAM-based LUCENE indexing;
- queryparser: tuning of the query parser
- snowball: stemming package that extract stems over terms within a given
- spellchecker: words spell checking; suggests replacement by the nearest valid
- spatial: sort LUCENE results with distance based scoring;
- wordnet: the Wordnet API is integrated to LUCENE in order to check words and
synonyms in the dictionnary.
The packages lucene-core-3.0.2.jar (for indexing and querying) and lucene-analyzers-3.0.2.jar (for
text analyzer features) are required for the examples and exercises below. We will use them in the
following to create our LUCENE application.
17.2.1 The main program
We will detail in the next pages a simple example that creates a LUCENE index, adds a few
documents, and executes some searches. The main java program follows this open-create-query
public class Simple { String directory = "index"; public static void main(String[] args) { // Name of the directory that holds the index String directory = "index"; // Instantiate a new Lucene tool MyLucene lucene = new MyLucene(); // Open the directory lucene.openIndex(directory, true); // Add a few documents lucene.addDoc("Web Data Management"); lucene.addDoc("Data on the Web"); lucene.addDoc("Spatial Databases -- with Application to GIS"); // Close the index lucene.closeIndex(); // Now, search for some term String query[] = {"Web"}; lucene.search(query); } }
Everything is handled by the MyLucene class, which is now detailed (the full code can be found
on the book’s Web site). Note that the program is for illustration purposes, and thus makes a poor
job at catching exceptions.
17.2.2 Create the Index
The openIndex method creates an index, or opens an existing index.
public void openIndex(String directory, boolean newIndex) { try { // Link the directory on the FileSystem to the application index = FSDirectory.open(new File(directory)); // Check whether the index has already been locked // (or not properly closed). if (IndexWriter.isLocked(index)) IndexWriter.unlock(index); if (writer == null) // Link the repository to the IndexWriter writer = new IndexWriter(index, analyzer, newIndex, IndexWriter.MaxFieldLength.LIMITED); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Got an Exception: " + e.getMessage()); } }
The LUCENE index repository must be opened prior to any access. When the newIndex
Boolean value is true, LUCENE creates the repository name directory. When newIndex is false,
the previously created index is reused. Only one IndexWriter at a time can be access
the repository. Be careful, each time newIndex is set to true, the index will be entirely
The StandardAnalyzer object is the document analyzer process (instantiated in the constructor). It
takes into account the specifics of the input language. For consistency reasons, the same analyzer
must be used for the creation and for searches.
Once an index is generated, you can look at the repository generated by LUCENE, which contains
several files:
- segments_X / segments.gen. The segment index files.
- write.lock. Lock file, modified each time an IndexWriter instance works on the repository.
- _X.cfs. Compound files. Describe all indexed files.
- _X.cfx. Compound files for storing field values and term vectors.
The index must be closed when inserts and updates are finished.
public void closeIndex() { try { writer.optimize(); writer.close(); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Got an Exception: " + e.getMessage()); } }
Each call to optimize() applies a compression and store the modified values in the repository.
17.2.3 Adding documents
Once the index is created, we can populate it with documents. LUCENE defines an abstraction of
documents as instances of the Document class. Such an instance contains several Fields that define
which information will be stored, indexed and queried. The following example defines a
single field, named content. You will be invited to create multi-fields documents in the
public void addDoc(String value) { try { // Instantiate a new document Document doc = new Document(); // Put the value in a field name content Field f = new Field("content", value, Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.ANALYZED); // Add the field to the document doc.add(f); // And add the document to the index writer.addDocument(doc); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Got an Exception: " + e.getMessage()); } }
Modeling a document as a list of fields is tantamount to defining how the information is
analyzed, indexed, and stored.
17.2.4 Searching the index
We can instantiate the IndexSearcher class, giving as a parameter the index repository name. We also
provide to the constructor an Analyzer object, which must be of the same type as the one
used during the indexing process. The QueryParser instance applies the analyzer to the
the query string, ensuring that the tokenization and other transformations applied to
terms is consistent. We must also specify which fields will be queried by default for each
public void search(String[] args) { // Nothing given? Search for "Web". String querystr = args.length > 0 ? args[0] : "Web"; try { // Instantiate a query parser QueryParser parser = new QueryParser(Version.LUCENE_30, "content", analyzer); // Parse Query q = parser.parse(querystr); // We look for top-10 results int hitsPerPage = 10; // Instantiate a searcher IndexSearcher searcher = new IndexSearcher(index, true); // Ranker TopScoreDocCollector collector = TopScoreDocCollector.create( hitsPerPage, true); // Search! searcher.search(q, collector); // Retrieve the top-10 documents ScoreDoc[] hits = collector.topDocs().scoreDocs; // Display results System.out.println("Found " + hits.length + " hits."); for (int i = 0; i < hits.length; ++i) { int docId = hits[i].doc; Document d = searcher.doc(docId); System.out.println((i + 1) + ". " + d.get("content")); } // Close the searcher searcher.close(); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Got an Exception: " + e.getMessage()); } }
17.2.5 LUCENE querying syntax
The LUCENE querying syntax is almost simple. A query is composed of a set of words,
each of which check in the index the posting lists and provide a tf/idf value. The global
rank of the query is the sum of these values, as we saw previously. Here is a sketch of
This query is composed of three words that will be searched into the index. The score of each
document depends of the sum of scores for “Web”, “Data” and “Management”.
In order to complexify queries, LUCENE provides some more features that helps to creates richer
queries. All these features follow a specific syntax. For each feature, we will illustrate it by
modifying the previous query:
- Negation: NOT xxx
The given word must not be present into the document. All documents containing this
words will be removed from the result set (i.e. the score is equal to zero).
Web Data NOT Management- The document will contain “Web” and “Data” but never “Management”
- Mandatory keywords: +xxx
The given word must be present in the document. In fact, although a word is asked
in the query and its score in a document is equal to zero, this document could appear
(other words bring a good score). This feature forbids documents that do not mention
this word.
+Web Data Management- The word Web must be contained in the document, Data and Management may be present
- Exact matching: “xxx yyy”
Bringing a sentence into quotes makes an exact matching query, for which the
document must contains this sentence:
“Web Data” Management- The document must contain the sentence “Web Data”, the word “Management” brings
an additional score to the document.
- Word importance: xxx^X
A word may be more important than others in a query, for this you can increase the
scoring weight of this word in the document. This weight is applied on the score before
making the sum of all scores.
Web^3 Data Management - The resulting score of the word “Web” in the documents is three times bigger than
“Data” and “Management”.
- Wildcard search: xx*
LUCENE will search for words that matches with given letters, completing the wildcard
with existing words in the index. A word must not begin with a wildcard.
Web Data Manag*- All documents that contain a words beginning with “Manag” will be returned (like Management,
Manage, Managing, Manager…)
- Querying fields: FFF:xxx
As we saw during indexing, we can specify fields (title, content, path). By default, we
specified that the “content” field is used for queries. By specifying a field, LUCENE
searches the given word into it.
title:Web Data Management - The word “Web” will be searched into the field “title”, while “Data” and
“Management” will be searched into the default field.
- Similarity search: xxx
A similarity search corrects misspelling of a given word, LUCENE will search this
words with different spelling. The tilda can optionally be followed by a numeric value,
this value gives the distance of similarity between the given word and the proposed
Web Data Management - Documents will contain “Web” and “Management”, but also words similar to “data”
(like date, tata, sata)
- Range queries: xxx TO yyy
A query can ask for a range of values for corresponding documents. This range can be
numeric values, dates, or words (with lexicographic orders).
tit title:“Web Data Management” title:{1 TO 3} - All documents must have the exact sentence “Web Data Management”
and also a numeric (book’s version) value between 1 and 3.
17.3 Put it into practice!
You should first make our simple example run and examine carefully all the methods. Note that the
following improvements would be useful:
- handle more carefully the exceptions raised by LUCENE classes;
- instead of printing the result right away in the search method, implement an
iterator-like mechanism that allows to retrieve the documents in the result one by one;
- add some optional, yet useful features, such as for instance a management of a list of
stop words (this is a first opportunity to look at the LUCENE API).
Once these changes are effective, you should then be ready to implement your first search
17.3.1 Indexing a directory content
A sample of several files with two “fields”, respectively “title” and “content”, can be found on the
Website (lucene directory). Download them in a files directory. Next, create a parsing function that
takes as input a file path, open this file, and extracts title, content according to the following
Create a directory extractor to get all the files from the files directory and index them with
LUCENE (do not forget to call the closeIndex() function).
Your index is created. Now, implement a function that considers a list of words given on the
standard input stream for querying the index. Here are some possible searches:
- Information Research
- Research NOT Lucene
- +Research Information
- "Information Research"
- Research^3 Information
- Research Info*
- title:Research
- Research Information "2
- title:{Research TO Information}
17.3.2 Web site indexing (project)
To index the content of a whole Web site, create a class that “crawls” the document belonging to a
given domain (e.g., http://Webdam.inria.fr/). Index the documents content, extract titles
from the appropriate HTML tags (<title> or h1 – hint: use java.util.regex.Matcher). Once a
document is loaded, find the embedded links in order to recursively process the whole Web site
(hint: look for href attributes).
Be careful to not index a document twice, and do not process external links (not belonging to the
given domain), nor images or generally non-html documents.
17.4 LUCENE – Tuning the scoring (project)
As previously discussed, LUCENE computes a score values for each document with respect to the
query terms. This score is based on the tf-idf measures. Here is the detailed scoring function used in
where q is the query, d a document, t a term, and:
- tf is a function of the term frequency within the document (default:
- idf : Inverse document frequency of t within the whole collection (default:
) + 1);
- boost is the boosting factor, if required in the query with the “ “ operator on a given
field (if not specified, set to the default field);
- lengthNorm: field normalization according to the number of terms. Default:
- coord: overlapping rate of terms of the query in the given document. Default:
- qNorm: query normalization according to its length; it corresponds to the sum of square
values of terms’ weight, the global value is multiplied by each term’s weight.
Only underlined functions can be modified in LUCENE: tf, idf, lengthNom and coord. Default
functions are given and can be modified by creating a new Similarity class with overloaded
methods. Specifically:
- Create a new class that inherits the org.apache.lucene.search.DefaultSimilarity class;
- Overload and implement default similarity functions:
- public float tf(float freq);
- public float idf(int docFreq, int numDocs);
- public float lengthNorm(String fieldName, int numTerms);
- public float coord(int overlap, int maxOverlap);
- Add some parameters to allow changing the similarity functions as follows:
- tf :
, 1, freq,
- idf : log(
) + 1, 1,
, log(1 -
) + 1;
- lengthNorm :
, 1, 1 -
- coord :
, 1, 1 -
- Change the similarity function in the querying class previously created with:
- Compute previous queries with different combinations of similarity functions.