The chapter proposes an introduction to HADOOP and suggests some exercises to initiate a practical experience of the system. The following assumes that you dispose of a Unix-like system (Mac OS X works just fine; Windows requires Cygwin). HADOOP can run in a pseudo-distributed mode which does not require a cluster infrastructure for testing the software, and the main part of our instructions considers this mode. Switching to a real cluster requires some additional configurations that are introduced at the end of the chapter. Since HADOOP is a relatively young system that steadily evolves, looking at the on-line, up-to-date documentation is of course recommended if you are to use it on a real basis. We illustrate HADOOP, MAPREDUCE and PIG manipulations on the DBLP data set, which can be retrieved from the following URL:
Download the dblp.dtd and dblp.xml files. The latter is, at the time of writing, almost 700 MB. Put both files in a dblp directory. In addition, you should take some smaller files extracted from the DBLP archive, that we make available on the book web site.
The content of the dblp directory should be similar to the following:
ls -l dblp/
total 705716
-rw-r--r-- 1 webdam webdam 108366 author-medium.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 webdam webdam 10070 author-small.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 webdam webdam 7878 dblp.dtd
-rw-r--r-- 1 webdam webdam 720931885 dblp.xml
-rw-r--r-- 1 webdam webdam 130953 proceedings-medium.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 webdam webdam 17151 proceedings-small.txt
First, get a stable release from the HADOOP site (
and unpack the archive on your machine. In order to set up your environment, you
need a HADOOP_HOME variable that refers to the HADOOP installation directory. For
export HADOOP_HOME=/users/webdam/hadoop
This can also be set up in the /path/to/hadoop/conf/ script. HADOOP features a
command-line interpreter, written in Java, named hadoop. Add the HADOOP_HOME/bin directory to
your path, as follows:
You should be able to run hadoop:
bash-3.2$ hadoop version
Hadoop 0.20.2
Now, you are ready to make some preliminary tests with HADOOP. We will begin with simple filesystem manipulations, in a mode called “pseudo-distributed” which runs the HADOOP servers on the local machine. In order to set up this mode, you need first to edit the conf/core-site.xml configuration file (all relative paths are rooted at $HADOOP_HOME) to add the following parameters.
This tells HADOOP that the current installation runs with a local HDFS Master node (the
“NameNode" in HADOOP terminology) on the port 9000. The file system is initialized with the
format command:
$ hadoop namenode -format
This initializes a directory in /tmp/hadoop-<username>/dfs/name. The hadoop program is a
Java command-line interpreter used to execute HADOOP commands. The general usage
$ hadoop <command> [parameters]
where command is one of namenode (commands sent to the Master node), fs (filesystem commands), job (commands that control MAPREDUCE jobs), etc.
Once the file system is formatted, you must launch the HDFS Master node (namenode). The name
node is a process responsible for managing file server nodes (called datanodes in HADOOP) in the
cluster, and it does so with ssh commands. You must check that SSH is properly configured and, in
particular, that you can log in the local machine with SSH without having to enter a passphrase. Try
the following command:
$ ssh localhost
If it does not work (or if you are prompted for a passphrase), you must execute the following
$ ssh-keygen -t dsa -P ’’ -f "/.ssh/id_dsa
$ cat "/.ssh/ >> "/.ssh/authorized_keys
This generates a new SSH key with an empty password. Now, you should be able to start the
namenode server:
$ &
This launches a namenode process, and a datanode process on the local machine. You should get
the following messages
starting namenode, logging to (...)
localhost: starting datanode, logging to (...)
localhost: starting secondarynamenode, logging to (...)
The secondary namenode is a mirror of the main one, used for failure recovery. At this point you
can check that the HDFS is up and running with
$ hadoop fs -ls /
and look for errors If anything goes wrong, you must look at the log files that contain a lot of
report messages on the initialization steps carried out by the start procedure. Once the servers are
correctly launched, we can copy the dblp directory in the HDFS file system with the following
$ hadoop fs -put dblp/ /dblp
This creates a dblp directory under the root of the HDFS filesystem hierarchy. All the basic
filesystem commands can be invoked through the hadoop interface. Here is a short session that
shows typical Unix-like file manipulations.
$ hadoop fs -ls /dblp/dblp*
Found 2 items
-rw-r--r-- 1 wdmd supergroup 7878 2010-03-29 10:40 /DBLP/dblp.dtd
-rw-r--r-- 1 wdmd supergroup 719304448 2010-03-29 10:40 /DBLP/dblp.xml
$ hadoop fs -mkdir /DBLP/dtd
$ hadoop fs -cp /DBLP/dblp.dtd /DBLP/dtd/
$ hadoop fs -ls /DBLP/dtd
Found 1 items
-rw-r--r-- 1 wdmd supergroup 7878 2010-03-29 10:55 /DBLP/dtd/dblp.dtd
$ hadoop fs -get /DBLP/dtd/dblp.dtd my.dtd
bash-3.2$ ls -l my.dtd
-rw-r--r-- 1 wdmd staff 7878 29 mar 10:56 my.dtd
The output of the ls command is quite similar to the standard Unix one, except for the second value of each line that indicates the replication factor in the distributed file system. The value is, here, 1 (no replication), the default parameter that can be set in the conf/hdfs-site.xml configuration file.
The Namenode also instantiates a rudimentary web server at http://localhost:50070/. It shows some information on the current status of the file system and provides a simple Web interface to browse the file hierarchy. Figure 19.1 shows a screen shot of this interface, with the list of our sample files loaded in the HDFS server. Note the replication factor (here, 1) and the large block size of 64 MBs.
We can now run MAPREDUCE job to process data files stored in HDFS. The following
gives first an example that scans text files extracted from the DBLP data set. We then
suggest some improvements and experiments. You must first start the MAPREDUCE
Our example processes data files extracted from the DBLP data set and transformed in flat text files for simplicity. You can take these data inputs of various sizes, named authors-xxx.txt from the book web site, along with the Java code. The smallest file size is a few KBs, the largest 300 MBs. These are arguably small data sets for HADOOP, yet sufficient for an initial practice.
The file format is pretty simple. It consists of one line for each pair (author, title), with
tab-separated fields, as follows.
<author name> <title> <year>
Our MAPREDUCE job counts the number of publications found for each author. We decompose the code in two Java files, available as usual from the site. The first one, below, provides an implementation of both the MAP and REDUCE operations.
HADOOP provides two abstract classes, Mapper and Reducer, which must be extended and specialized by the implementation of, respectively, a map() and reduce() methods. The formal parameters of each abstract class describe respectively the types of the input key, input value, output key and output value. The framework also comes with a list of serializable data types that must be used to represent the values exchanged in a MAPREDUCE workflow. Our example relies on three such types: LongWritable (used for the input key, i.e., the line number), IntWritable (used for counting occurrences) and Text (a generic type for character strings). Finally, the Context class allows the user code to interact with the MAPREDUCE system.
So, consider first the map() method of our (extended) Mapper class AuthorMapper. It takes as input pairs (key, value), key being here the number of the line from the input file (automatically generated by the system, and not used by our function), and value the line itself. Our code simply takes the part of the line that precedes the first tabulation, interpreted as the author name, and produces a pair (author, 1).
The reduce() function is almost as simple. The input consists of a key (the name of an author) and a list of the publication counts found by all the mappers for this author. We simply iterate on this list to sum up these counts.
The second Java program shows how a job is submitted to the MAPREDUCE environment. The comments in the code should be explicit enough to inform the reader. An important aspect is the Configuration object which loads the configuration files that describe our MAPREDUCE setting. The same job can run indifferently in local or distributed mode, depending on the configuration chosen at run time. This allows to test a (map, reduce) pair of functions on small, local data sets, before submitted a possibly long process.
The second object of importance is the instance of Job that acts as an interface with the MAPREDUCE environment for specifying the input, the output, and the map() and reduce() functions. Our example presents the bare minimal specification.
The Job can be directly run as java AuthorsJob <inputfile> <outputdir>. It produces
an output directory outputdir (which must not exist prior to the job execution) with a set
of files, one for each reducer, containing the result. Be sure to add all the HADOOP Jar
files (found in HADOOP home directory) in your CLASSPATH before running the job.
Here is for instance a part of the result obtained by processing the author-small.txt data
Dominique Decouchant 1
E. C. Chow 1
E. Harold Williams 1
Edward Omiecinski 1
Eric N. Hanson 1
Eugene J. Shekita 1
Gail E. Kaiser 1
Guido Moerkotte 1
Hanan Samet 2
Hector Garcia-Molina 2
Injun Choi 1
Note that the authors are alphabetically ordered, which is a desirable side effect of the map reduce framework. Sorting is done during the shuffle phase to bring together intermediate pairs that share the same key value.
PIGLATIN can be found at Download a recent and stable archive, and
uncompress it somewhere (say, in $home/pig). Add the pig/bin subdirectory to your path variable
(change the directories to reflect your own setting):
$ export PATH=$HOME/pig/bin:$PATH
Check that the command-line interface is ready. The pig -x local should produce the
following output.
$ pig -x local
[main] INFO org.apache.pig.Main - Logging error messages to: xxx.log
PIG accepts commands from an interpreter called grunt which runs either in “local” mode (files are read from the local filesystem) or “MAPREDUCE” mode. The former is sufficient to take a grasp on the main features of PIGLATIN. It is also useful for testing new scripts that could run for hours on large collections.
We refer to the presentation of PIGLATIN that can be found in the chapter devoted to distributed computing. Running PIGLATIN with the command line interpreter is a piece of cake. As an initial step, we invite the reader to run a script equivalent to the MAPREDUCE Job described in the previous section.
We give now some hints to run HADOOP in a real cluster. As far as experimental data manipulations are involved, this is not really necessary, because neither the principles nor the code change depending on the pseudo-distributed mode. If you need to process really large data sets, and/or use HADOOP in real-life environment, a real cluster of machines is of course required. Understanding the architecture of a real HADOOP cluster may also be interesting on its own. You need, of course, at least two connected machines, preferably sharing a regular distributed filesystem like NFS, with system administration rights. Before going further, please note that if your objective is real-life processing of large data sets, you do not need to set up your own cluster, but can (at least for some non-committing experiments) use a cloud computing environment supporting HADOOP, e.g., Amazon Web Services ( or Cloudera ( to name a few.
Most of the parameters that affect the running mode of HADOOP are controlled from the
configuration files located in the conf directory. In order to switch easily from one mode to the
other, you can simply copy conf as (say) conf-cluster. The choice between the two configurations is
set by the environement variable HADOOP_CONF_DIR. Set this variable to the chosen
export HADOOP_CONF_DIR=$HADOOP_HOME/conf-cluster
For simplicity, we assume that all the nodes in the cluster share the same configuration file (accessible thanks to a NFS-like distribution mechanism). If your machines are heterogeneous, you may have to refine the configuration for each machine.
The slaves file contains the list of nodes in the cluster, referred to by their name or IP. Here is for
instance the content of slaves for a small 10-node cluster located at INRIA:
There exists a masters file, which contains the name of the secondary Nameserver. You can leave it unchanged.
Before attempting to start your cluster, you should look at the XML configuration file core-site.xml, hdfs-site.xml and mapred-site.xml. They contain parameter (or “properties”) relative respectively to core HADOOP, HDFS and MAPREDUCE. Here is for instance a self-commented hdfs-site.xml file with some important properties.
HADOOP servers are launched with the script (located in bin). It starts the Namenode on the local machine (that is, the machine the script is run on), one datanode on each of the machines listed in the slaves file, and a secondary Namenode on the machine listed in the masters file. These scripts report error messages in log files located in the HADOOP_HOME/logs directory. Before your cluster is up and running, you will probably have to inspect these files more than once to find and correct the (hopefully small) problems specific to your environment. The HDFS system is of course halted with
A MAPREDUCE environment is launched with the script which starts a JobTracker (a MAPREDUCE Master node) on the local machine, and a tasktracker (the Workers in Google MAPREDUCE terminology) on the machines listed in slaves.
Another useful script is where many parameters that affect the behavior of HADOOP can be set. The memory buffer used by each node is for instance determined by HADOOP_HEAPSIZE. The list of these parameters goes beyond the scope of this introduction: we refer the reader to the online documentation.
If you succesfully managed to run the above examples, you are ready to go further in the discovery of HADOOP and its associated tools.
Exercise 19.5.1 (Combiner functions) Once a map() function gets executed, it stores its result on the local filesystem. This result is then transferred to a Reducer. The performance of the Job may therefore be affected by the size of the data. A useful operation is thus to limit the size of the MAP result before network transmission: HADOOP allows the specification of Combiner functions to this end. This can be seen as performing locally (that is, on the Mapper) a part of the REDUCE task at the end of the MAP phase.
Not all Jobs are subject to Combiner optimization. Computing the average of the intermediate pairs value for instance can only be done by the Reducer. In the case of associate functions like count(), a Combiner is quite appropriate. The exercise consists in defining a Combiner function for the MAPREDUCE job of Section 19.2. We let the reader investigate the HADOOP documentation (in particular Java APIs) to learn the interface that allows to define and run Combiner functions.
Exercise 19.5.2 Consider the XML files representing movies. Write MAPREDUCE jobs that take these files as input and produce the following flat text files with tab-separated fields:
You must write an input function that reads an XML file and analyzes its content with either SAX or DOM: refer to the PiP chapter on the XML programming APIs.
Exercise 19.5.3 Run the following PIGLATIN queries on the files obtained from the previous exercise.
Exercise 19.5.4 (Inverted file project) The goal of the project is to build a simple inverted file using a MAPREDUCE job. You can either use Java programming, or PIG programs with a few additional functions used to process character strings and compute tf and idf indicators.
Design and implement a process that takes as input a set of text files (consider for instance the abstracts of our movies collection) and outputs a list of the terms found in the texts, along with their frequency. Associate to each term the list of documents, along with the idf indicator.