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Social Networks APIs

January 26th, 2009

Report on the presentation of Alban Galland, January 26th, 2009
See slides for more details.
Warning : this report outlines the understanding of the post author (Alban Galland) and nothing more.

Some existing APIs

There is different kind of APIs for Social Networks : micro-formats, ontologies, query interaction with social sites and application definition for social sites… These different kind of APIs give different level of details of how to represent a social graph and how to query it.


xfn (XHTML Friends networks) is a mirco-format which is use to tag the hyperlink with predefined friendship concepts. There are plenty of other micro-formats which are also linked to Social Networks. These micro-formats are easy to use and naturally distributed, but it is hard to have a global view of the network and to query it.


FOAF (Friend Of A Friend) is an ontology in RDF and OWL which describes a social network. It contains in particular a large number of way of identification. Because ontologies are hard to design, this one is still unstable. It is also hard to have a global view of the network and it could also lead to too much complexity in description. Nevertheless, some tools as Google Social Graph APIs add a layer to query both XFN and FOAF information on the web as a whole.

Interaction with social sites

Open Social is an example of APIs which allows application to interact with social sites. It is a package of three APIs (Javascript, REST and RPC). Using one of these APIs, a couple (viewer,application) can query a social site (container) about the social informations of a distinct user (owner). For example, the CoolApplication application could use my credential of logged user on Orkut to query it about some of my friends. The readable data are the profile of the users (corresponding to the Orkut profile) and their lists of friends. There are also some discovery capabilities of an unstructured table of data. This feature was probably designed for containers which are not owned by Google, but would like to use the API. That is, of course, the limit of the approach “one designs for himself and tries then to convince others”. The container can implement its own security policy to filter what is readable, but there is no way to specify such a policy and no clue about what should be the default policy. The application could also write two kinds of information : a log of activities and some persistent couples attribute-value. The FBJS, Rest-Like and Connect APIs of Facebook are designed with the same spirit.
These APIs allow some transfer of the data from social site to applications, which make the former more useful and the latter usable on more container. They are nevertheless designed in a centralized way (with a container) and privacy is largely under-specified.

Application specification

FBML is an example of application specification (or at least about rendering a user interface using embedded service calls to Facebook). The principle is relatively different of the interaction specification, since the evaluation of FBML is done by Facebook and the data are not transfered to the application server. FBML could access data using FQL or complex tags which are wrapping of FQL queries. FQL is an SQL-like language and the Facebook Social Network is described as table with indexability constraints which restrict the queries. This kind of APIs limits the expressiveness of the applications, but it protects more the privacy since it did not transfer any data to the applications.

Some clues about design of SN APIs

To summarize, a good API should be easy to use, distributed, easy to query as a whole and allow data transfer with privacy control.

Such APIs must rely on a model of social networks with :

  • People, which could be identified, authenticated and have a profile
  • Relationships, which could be of different type
  • Applications, which could be identified, authenticated, are described by a code and could write some part of the profile of a user.

They must also allow queries with right access. We believe that a good model of Social Network is a distributed knowledge base with right access. We are currently defining such a model.

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